
 Fri, 14. Jun 2019   Katsanou, Marina

Gero Strobel presents SOFTEC paper at the European Conference of Information System (ECIS) 2019

At this year's European Conference of Information Systems, Gero Strobel presented the Full Research Paper: UNDERSTANDING SERVICES IN THE ERA OF THE INTERNET OF THINGS: A SMART SERVICE TAXONOMY by Ute Paukstadt (ERCIS), Gero Strobel and Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker at the session "Service Innovation, Engineering and Mangament".

The aim of the publication was the development of a taxonomy for Smart Services, which especially deals with the capabilities and the associated possibilities for value creation through smart products. In contrast to many existing classifications, emphasis was placed on a detailed description of the service elements under consideration of existing service design guidelines. Based on the taxonomy the understanding for the term Smart Services could be strengthened and a conceptual basis for future research in this area could be laid. Link to publication:

The European Conference on Information Systems, held annually since 1993, is one of the most important and prestigious conferences in the field of business informatics. This year the ECIS took place under the central theme "Information Systems for the Sharing Society" in Stockholm, Sweden from 10-14 June 2019.