Police cube
Police cube

The project was focused on the visualization of big amounts of data of the police data base in Germany. It is also imaginable to extend this concept for Europe or the whole world. The goal of the project was the optimization of the visualization und usage of the police data base for the granting of an efficient and effective handling of data. The use of visual elements and artificial intelligence was relevant for that purpose. The effort of the police should not be delayed by a slow data base, but their investigation should be supported by an efficient data base. Nowadays simple information is not sufficient for police matters. For the detection of organized crimes, the priority should be the identification of relationships between criminals in a data bases and an appropriated kind of the visualization of data.
Description of the problem

One problem of the project was to determine an appropriated type of a visualization for the data base. Moreover, it was a challenge to design a system that captures causal connections between data. It was also relevant to consider user groups and to mind that not all users are information scientists or IT specialists.

The challenge of the project was the development of a user interface for the support of the cooperation between human and machines. The accomplishment of that was difficult and interesting at the same time. A motivation for the project was the aspect that such a support for the police could contribute to the security of all residents in Germany.
Description of a solution

We developed a concept for the solution of the described problems. This concept consists of tree aspects:
- Illustration of data with a three-dimensional cube that is based on a hierarchical structure
- Development of a simplified, user-friendly and intuitive interface
- Development of a system that is based on artificial intelligence.
The three-dimensional cube is the relevant aspect for the realization of the visualization. The cube represents the hierarchical structure of all regions of the world. The six continents of the world are on top of this hierarchy. The countries are on the second layer and states are on the third layer of the represented hierarchy. The project’s focus was the programming of a prototype for Germany and its federate states. The data base supports the user to fulfil different tasks like the search of suspects with characterizations (body size, hair colour and more). The data base can access pictures of previously convicted persons and further information about these persons like partners in crime. Moreover, the system processes and provides predictions which is based on the use of existing data and artificial intelligence. These predictions make it possible to avoid future crimes. Furthermore, the system has access to external data bases of airports, banks and other locations. This aspect might be useful to detect the location of suspects. In conclusion, the improved data base system is an opportunity to improve the approach of the police
Project members
- Ismail Balci
- Young-Guk Kim
- Haluk Tekin