Theses in Process
Theses in progress
Here you will find all theses of the chair that are currently in progress.
- Development of Design Principles for Explainable AI Diagnostic Systems in Healthcare from the Patient's Perspective (Original Title: Entwicklung von Design Prinzipien für Explainable AI-Diagnosesysteme im Gesundheitswesen aus Patientensicht)
Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems, Tutor: Dr. Gero Strobel - Unveiling the Value Creation in Digital Platform Ecosystems: A Multi-Case Study of AI Service Platforms
Master Thesis Business Information Systems, Tutor: Robert Woroch, M. Sc. - Generativity as a driver of innovation in digital platforms: Analyzing impact factors and deriving a research agenda (Original Title: Generativität als Innovationsmotor in digitalen Plattformen: Analyse der Einflussfaktoren und Ableitung einer Forschungsagenda)
Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems, Tutor: Robert Woroch, M. Sc. - Generative AI meets HR: Die Rolle von Vertrauen und Akzeptanz beim Einsatz in Bewerbungsprozessen
Master Thesis Business Information Systems, Tutor: Leonardo Banh, M. Sc. - Optimizing Learning Processes through Generative AI: An Affordance Theory Perspective (Original Title: Optimierung von Lernprozessen durch generative KI: Eine Perspektive der Affordanztheorie)
Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems, Tutor: Leonardo Banh, M. Sc. - Advancing Behavioural Research in the Era of Generative AI: Employing Large Language Models-based Generative Agents to Simulate Human Behaviour
Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems, Tutor: Leonardo Banh, M. Sc. - Leveraging Generative AI to Empower Self-Learning in Higher Education: A Design Science Research Study
Master Thesis Business Information Systems, Tutor: Leonardo Banh, M. Sc. - Embracing Change: Scenarios, Attitudes, and Key Factors for Generative AI Integration in Human Resource Processes
Master Thesis Business Information Systems, Tutor: Leonardo Banh, M. Sc.