Bachelor and Master Projects
Bachelor and master project offerings of our chair

Our research group provides and supervises bachelor and master projects for students who study business informatics. Students who are interested in participating in these projects can apply on a regular cycle. You can find a description and more details about bachelor and master projects in your handbook of modules:
Application for master and bachelor projects
Bachelor and Master projects at the Chair of Information Systems and Software Engineering are usually offered as team projects. Topic offers for team projects are provided at the beginning of each semester on our website under "Study & Teaching".
Time schedule for projects
The study projects are essentially divided into the following phases:
- Application: Application: At the beginning of each semester, the project topics, the application form and a framework plan valid for the respective semester are published.
- Group formation and kick-off: 2-3 weeks after the application phase begins, the groups are announced and a kick-off meeting is held with all project groups. At this meeting, schedules are agreed upon together with the students and supervisors.
- Task processing and supervision: During the semester, the groups process the defined task packages, present them in regular group meetings and discuss them with the supervisors.
- Final presentation: The final presentation takes place towards the end of the semester.
- Submission: The submission of the result artifacts and the project report will take place a few days after the final presentation.
In general, we recommend that you start with a "tight" schedule so that you can meet the time and workload required by the exam regulations. When planning your schedule, be sure to take into account the exam periods, when there is usually less time available to work on the project.
Own ideas for team projects
It is also possible to suggest your own theme for a team project. Please notice that there are special requirements for project tasks as you can find in the handbook of modules of your degree course (B. Sc. BI, M. Sc. BI). You should also have a look at our current or former suggestions for project themes to get an impression of the workload.
Own proposals are also bound to the semester rotation and should be submitted by e-mail at least one month before the semester starts. In your proposal, please explain the intended goal as well as the respective interim results so that we can get an idea and check the suitability of the task for the Bachelor's or Master's project.