Bachelor Degree Courses
Lecture "Introduction to Business Information Systems" (1st-2nd Sem.)
Introduction to Business Information Systems

The lecture “Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik” is especially devoted to students of scientific bachelor degree courses. The objective of this lecture is to offer a great overview of the different areas of business informatics and its historically developed foundation. In addition to that we aim at demonstrating various areas of actions in working life. The focus of this lecture are information systems and their potential usage of solving business problems of enterprises. The attendance of this lecture is also a preparation for other business informatic courses.
Lecture "Advanced Programming Concepts" of the in-depth study "Selected Topics in Modeling Enterprise Information Systems" (5th-6th Sem.)
Advanced Programming Concepts

The attendance of the lecture “Fortgeschrittene Programmierkonzepte” contributes to the ability of the students to use advanced programming concepts and modern development platforms for practical purposes. Using the introduced concepts students are qualified to solve specific problems of the software development on their own. They can also make usage of the introduced concepts by using further concepts and choosing appropriated methods and tools to solve these problems.
Seminar "Business Information Systems" (5th Sem.)

Our research group usually offers one or more comprehensive topics regarding the seminar component in bachelor degree courses. These topics represent a pool for particular topics that can be chosen by the students for seminar papers. Additionally, students have the possibility to suggest their own topic if it is related to software engineering. The overview of the current semester is for your information about who of our research group is supervising the process of your seminar paper. You can find more information if you click on the following link: "Seminar papers".
Bachelor Project "Business Information Systems" (5th Sem.)
Bachelor Project

Our research group provides bachelor projects regularly. It is also possible for the students to suggest their own ideas for a bachelor project. Moreover, students have the possibility to combine their bachelor project and their bachelor thesis. You can find more information about our offering of bachelor projects if you click on the following link: "Bachelor and master projects".