Extra-occupational and flexible achievement of the master’s degree
Virtual further education degree course Business Informatics

The further education degree course Business Informatics (VAWi) is an internet-based degree course for the achievement of the academic degree “Master of Science”. The University of Duisburg-Essen and the University of Bamberg are responsible for the supervision of the degree course VAWi and there are many supporting university partnerships. The students have the choice of studying as a full time student (3 semesters) or as a part time student (6 semesters). Most of the time of the semester is based on virtual classes, but there are also short phases at the beginning and the end of the semester where the students need to be present for classes.
In the context of this degree course, employed graduates of different disciplines get the chance to gain additional qualifications. It is an opportunity to get highly qualified as an IT professional.
The master degree course is based on a successful completion of a first higher education degree. The purpose of the master degree course (VAWi) is to enable graduates of the same field of study to appropriate deepening professional knowledge and to enable graduates of related fields of study to extend existing qualifications.
In the context of the increasing amount of fields of employment without defined job descriptions, the master degree course (VAWi) is an opportunity to get new perspectives for the achievement and the extension of your employability. This opportunity is especially based on the practical orientation of the master degree course. The focus on deepening professional specialisation is a feature of all master degree courses as well as the presentation of a master thesis that requires a combination of method and key competences for the solution of complex problems.
Our Function
The teaching offerings of our research group for master degree students are listed below:
- Digitale Transformation (Modulgruppe: Entwicklung und Management von Informationssystemen)
- Objektorientierte Softwareentwicklung in C# (Modulgruppe: Basistechnologien)
- Prozessorientierte Informationssysteme (Modulgruppe: Basistechnologien)
- User-Centered Web Design (Modulgruppe Web & Multimedia-Systeme).
In addition, the students are supported in project and master theses.
Further Information
You can find further information at