Focus on students of Business Informatics
Unfortunately, due to the high requests for our topics we have a high occupancy rate (see theses in process). Especially if we don't pro-actively publish offered subjects for theses, we need to focus on students of the business informatic degrees, in order to still gurantee adequate supervision. For students of other degree programs we recommend to contact professors of their own degree program in order to find a suitable tutor for their thesis.
What are the fundamental steps of applying for a bachelor or master thesis?
Fundamental process of your bachelor or master thesis
The enrolment for bachelor and master theses formally takes place at the examination office. Before the registration of your thesis, you have the possibility to find out if your selected theme is appropriated for you and how you can arrange your theme. Moreover, you can look for an appropriated supervisor for your theme. The fundamental steps of applying for a bachelor or master thesis are listed below:
- You are interested in an offering for a theme or you have your own idea for a theme.
- Depending on your choice of a theme, you can look for an appropriated supervisor. Our offered themes are assigned to certain supervisors. If you have an idea for your own theme, you can have a look at the research subjects and supervised theses of each of our staff members. This way you can find out who of our staff members is appropriated for the supervision of your thesis.
- You create an exposé for the introduction of your idea for a theme. You also introduce your planned approach for your thesis within your exposé.
- Afterwards you send your exposé to the appropriated staff member.
- Your supervisor helps you to clarify relevant aspects for your theme. Afterwards you can register your thesis at the examination office. Please notice that the coordination process for your choice of a theme might take some time because of organisational reasons. Some submitted exposés already have an appropriated level for a master or bachelor thesis. In this case, you can register your thesis at the examination office right away. Otherwise, your supervisor helps you to adapt your theme to the relevant aspects of bachelor or master theses. For instance, it might be necessary to expose the scientific approach of your thesis.
The formal requirements are specified due to the examination regulations of your degree course. Therefore, it is not necessary that you have passed your seminar paper with the supervision of our chair before. That means that you can also apply for a bachelor or master thesis if you have passed your seminar paper with the assistance of another chair. Some other chairs claim that this is not possible because it is easier for them and their students if the students already know the requirements and the way of working of the supervisors.
Abschlussarbeiten sind nicht an den Semesterturnus gebunden
Abschlussarbeiten sind nicht turnusgebunden, das heißt Sie müssen sich nicht bis zu einem bestimmten Stichtag oder zum Semesterbeginn melden. Eine Anfrage und (darauf aufbauend bei Zusage später auch) eine Anmeldung der Arbeit beim Prüfungsamt sind prinzipiell zu jedem Termin möglich. Der Abgabetermin wird entsprechend der Bearbeitungszeit individuell durch das Prüfungsamt anhand des Anmeldezeitpunkts berechnet.
Format requirements, citation, evaluation
You will get access to a Moodle course if your application process was successful. For the success of your application you also need to submit an exposé. The purpose of the Moodle course is the providing of more information about organisational requirements, literature research, format requirements, citation and the evaluation of your scientific work.