Offered Subjects

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Offered subjects by the chair

Here you will find all the topics offered by the Chair for Bachelor's and Master's Theses. If no topics are offered, an application with your own topic is possible at any time.

Original Title: Governance in Fintech-Ökosystemen (reserviert)

Governance in fintech ecosystems (reserved)

  • Bachelor Thesis Industrial Engineering
  • Master Thesis Industrial Engineering


The financial sector is undergoing a profound transformation in which technology-driven players are challenging existing structures and accelerating the market. These developments fall under the term fintech, which describes the integration of traditional financial activities with disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and distributed ledger technologies. Key business models in the fintech ecosystem include payment services, robo-advisory and peer-to-peer loans. Fintech platforms orchestrate various complementary service providers and enable their customers to take on multiple roles within the ecosystem. Against this background, the thesis examines governance mechanisms used for orchestration on various fintech platforms using a cross-case study. In the case of a master's thesis, the morphology should also be evaluated in expert interviews.

To conduct the study, the chair provides an initial list of fintech companies and an overview of possible governance mechanisms. The aim of the work is to create a morphological box that reflects the possible forms of governance mechanisms.

Start literature:

  • Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero; Wulfert, Tobias (2022): Four Shades of Customer: How Value Flows in Fintech Ecosystems. In ICIS 2022 Proceedings. Available online at
  • Hein, Andreas (2020): Digital Platform Ecosystems: Emergence and Value Co-Creation Mechanisms. Technischen Universität München, München.
  • Jacobides, Michael G.; Cennamo, Carmelo; Gawer, Annabelle (2018): Towards a theory of ecosystems. In Strat. Mgmt. J. 39 (8), pp. 2255–2276. DOI: 10.1002/smj.2904.
  • Tiwana, Amrit (2014): Platform Ecosystems: Elsevier, Kapitel 6
  • Hein, Andreas; Schreieck, Maximilian; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut (2016): Multiple-Case Analysis on Governance Mechanisms of Multi-Sided Platforms. In : Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik. Ilmenau, Germany.
  • Staub, Nicola; Haki, Kazem; Aier, Stephan; Winter, Robert (2022): Governance Mechanisms in Digital Platform Ecosystems: Addressing the Generativity-Control Tension. In Communications of the Association for Information Systems 51 (1), pp. 906–939. DOI: 10.17705/1CAIS.05137.

Original Abstract:

Der Finanzsektor erlebt einen tiefgreifenden Wandel, in dem technologiegetriebene Akteure bestehende Strukturen infrage stellen und den Markt beschleunigen. Diese Entwicklungen fallen unter den Begriff Fintech, der die Integration traditioneller Finanzaktivitäten mit disruptiven Technologien wie Künstlicher Intelligenz, dem Internet der Dinge und Distributed-Ledger-Technologien beschreibt. Zentrale Geschäftsmodelle im Fintech-Ökosystem sind unter anderem Zahlungsdienste, Robo-Advisory und Peer-to-Peer-Darlehen. Fintech-Plattformen orchestrieren dabei verschiedene komplementäre Dienstleister und ermöglichen ihren Kunden, mehrere Rollen innerhalb des Ökosystems zu übernehmen. Die Arbeit untersucht vor diesem Hintergrund Governance-Mechanismen, die für die Orchestrierung auf verschiedenen Fintech-Plattformen eingesetzt werden, anhand einer fallübergreifenden Studie. Im Falle einer Masterarbeit sollte die Morphologie auch in Experteninterviews evaluiert werden.

Zur Durchführung der Studie stellt der Lehrstuhl eine initiale Liste von Fintech-Unternehmen sowie eine Übersicht möglicher Governance-Mechanismen bereit. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Erstellung eines morphologischen Kastens, der die möglichen Ausprägungen der Governance-Mechanismen widerspiegelt.


  • Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero; Wulfert, Tobias (2022): Four Shades of Customer: How Value Flows in Fintech Ecosystems. In ICIS 2022 Proceedings. Available online at
  • Hein, Andreas (2020): Digital Platform Ecosystems: Emergence and Value Co-Creation Mechanisms. Technischen Universität München, München.
  • Jacobides, Michael G.; Cennamo, Carmelo; Gawer, Annabelle (2018): Towards a theory of ecosystems. In Strat. Mgmt. J. 39 (8), pp. 2255–2276. DOI: 10.1002/smj.2904.
  • Tiwana, Amrit (2014): Platform Ecosystems: Elsevier, Kapitel 6
  • Hein, Andreas; Schreieck, Maximilian; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut (2016): Multiple-Case Analysis on Governance Mechanisms of Multi-Sided Platforms. In : Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik. Ilmenau, Germany.
  • Staub, Nicola; Haki, Kazem; Aier, Stephan; Winter, Robert (2022): Governance Mechanisms in Digital Platform Ecosystems: Addressing the Generativity-Control Tension. In Communications of the Association for Information Systems 51 (1), pp. 906–939. DOI: 10.17705/1CAIS.05137.