
Akademischer Rat
Dr. Gero Strobel
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- R09 R02 H40
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- +49 201 18-34942
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- gero.strobel (at)
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- Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
Fakultät für Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Softwaretechnik
Universitätsstr. 9
45141 Essen - Autorenprofile:
- Google Scholar
- ResearchGate
- Seit Januar 2022: Akademischer Rat und stellvertr. Lehrstuhlleitung am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Softwaretechnik (Lehrstuhlinhaber: Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker) an der Universität Duisburg-Essen
- Von August 2021 bis Dezember 2021: Post-Doc am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Softwaretechnik (Lehrstuhlinhaber: Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker) an der Universität Duisburg-Essen
- Von Dezember 2017 bis August 2021: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Softwaretechnik (Lehrstuhlinhaber: Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker) an der Universität Duisburg-Essen
Ehrungen und Auszeichnungen:
Wissenschaftspreis der Sparkasse Essen 2021 für die kumulative Dissertationsschrift Towards a Multi-perspective Conceptual Approach for IoT-based Information Systems.
Dissertationspreis der Universität Duisburg-Essen 2021 für die kumulative Dissertationsschrift Towards a Multi-perspective Conceptual Approach for IoT-based Information Systems
Best Paper in Track Award der 42nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2021 für die Publikation Achieving Sustainability with Artificial Intelligence—A Survey of Information Systems Research im Track Societal Impact of IS.
Nominiert für den Best Paper Award der 42nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2021 für die Publikation Achieving Sustainability with Artificial Intelligence—A Survey of Information Systems Research.
Nominiert für den Claudio Ciborra Award for Most Innovative Paper der 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2021 für die Publikation Honey, I Shrunk the Internet of Things: An Internet of Nano-Things Taxonomy.
Nominiert für den Best Paper Award der 53th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2020 für die Publikation Identifying Quality Factors for Self-Tracking Solutions: A Systematic Literature Review.
- Agentic IS
- Generative AI
- Internet of Things (IoT) & Smart Services
- Eicker, Stefan; Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero: Wertgenerierung in Plattformökonomien und Determinanten zur Werteerstellung und -erfassung - Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Stephan Zelewski. In: Schütte, Reinhard; Hohmann, Susanne; Krol, Bianca; Peters, Malte L. (Hrsg.): Produktions- und Informationsmanagement. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2024, S. 505-531. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-46113-3_20VolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Digitale Plattformen haben sich dank ihres disruptiven Potenzials als führende Geschäftsmodelle in einer Vielzahl von Branchen etabliert. Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet die Entwicklung der Ökosystem-Metapher von ihren Ursprüngen bis zu ihrer Anpassung an den digitalen Wandel und diskutiert drei unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf moderne Unternehmensökosysteme. Darüber hinaus werden zentrale Treiber der Wertschöpfung in der Plattformökonomie vorgestellt, die als Instrumente zur Steuerung der Wertgenerierung dienen. Abschließend wird ein Ausblick auf zukünftige Forschungsfelder zur Wertschöpfung in plattformbasierten Ökosystemen gegeben.
Digital platforms have emerged as leading business models across a wide range of industries due to their disruptive potential. This article examines the development of the ecosystem metaphor from its origins to its adaptation to digital change and discusses three different perspectives on modern business ecosystems. In addition, key drivers of value creation in the platform economy are presented, which serve as instruments for managing value generation. The article concludes with an outlook on future fields of research on value creation in platform-based ecosystems.
- Strunk, Jobin Alexander; Banh, Leonardo; Nissen, Anika; Strobel, Gero; Smolnik, Stefan: To Delegate or Not to Delegate? Factors Influencing Human-Agentic IS Interaction. In: AiS (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Bangkok, Thailand 2024. VolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
The evolution of information systems (IS) in recent years, driven by advancements such as AI-based digital assistants and autonomous vehicles, has fundamentally changed human-IS interaction. This transformation extends beyond mere user interaction to encompass the emergence of agentic IS, challenging traditional notions of human supervision. It prompts a reevaluation of IS research, with a focus on IS delegation as a new theoretical lens. However, research remains nascent, particularly in understanding the factors influencing delegation decisions. We compiled 26 articles and derived six key delegation mechanisms and their influencing factors, using grounded theory and co-occurrence analysis. We investigate attributes of human and the agentic IS, as well as task attributes and the delegation level that are relevant to the delegation mechanisms. Our research provides a nuanced understanding of factors influencing delegation decisions to agentic IS. We call for research considering the yet underrepresented but crucial interdependencies with a research agenda.
- Wulfert, Tobias; Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero; Schoormann, Thorsten; Banh, Leonardo: E-commerce ecosystems as catalysts for sustainability: A multi-case analysis. In: Electronic Markets, Jg. 34 (2024) Nr. 58. doi:10.1007/s12525-024-00733-zBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Single organizations encounter intricate challenges in meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on their own and thus are increasingly concerned with forming ecosystems. This is also the case in the e-commerce domain. It is assumed that particularly focal actors of such ecosystems have the power to foster initiatives towards more sustainability. We conducted an embedded multi-case study with 135 initiatives collected from three types of e-commerce ecosystems to uncover what sustainability goals are addressed by different ecosystem participants. This paper’s analysis explores (1) what sustainability initiatives are reported from focal actors and differences depending on a specific type of ecosystem, (2) dependencies between SDGs within the initiatives, and (3) the degree of involvement of other ecosystem actors and how they contribute to certain SDGs. Our work synthesizes existing initiatives towards sustainable development to give orientation and impulses for practice and academia as well as outlines avenues for future research at the intersection of ecosystems and sustainability.
- Wulfert, Tobias; Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero: Follow the flow: An exploratory multi-case study of value creation in e-commerce ecosystems. In: Information & Management, Jg. 61 (2024) Nr. 8. doi:10.1016/ DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Platform-based ecosystems dominate e-commerce, generating value through participant growth and resulting network effects. However, research has lacked any conceptualization of value creation in e-commerce ecosystems. This paper fills this gap by providing a theoretically grounded and empirically validated conceptualization of value creation and exchange, including roles, value creation activities, and value flows among participants. The model integrates insights from a systematic literature review and a multi-case study of ten leading e-commerce ecosystems. Furthermore, an extension to the e3-value notation is proposed by introducing ecosystem segments, allowing for a higher level of abstraction of meta-roles and individual ecosystem participants.
- Banh, Leonardo; Strobel, Gero: Tourism in the Era of Internet of Things: Design Principles for Smart Tourism. In: AIS (Hrsg.): Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024 Proceedings. Würzburg, Germany 2024. BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
The tourism industry plays a crucial role in many countries and has suffered under the global events of the last years (e.g., COVID-19, economic recession) with a decline in visitors and economic contributions. Through digitalization efforts of cities and states, smart tourism destinations use emerging technologies like the Internet of Things and Smart Services to provide rich on-site experiences for visitors, hoping to increase their competitiveness and attract new tourists. By conducting a design science research project in collaboration with a German municipality, this paper aims to explore how digital assistants should be designed in the context of smart tourism. Based on expert interviews and a multi-case study of 37 tourism apps, we were able to develop twelve key design principles for smart tourism applications, evaluated through a prototypical instantiation, to create design knowledge for the digitalization of tourism.
- Strobel, Gero; Wulfert, Tobias; Banh, Leonardo: TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN: AN E-COMMERCE ECOSYSTEM AGENT-BASED SIMULATION. In: AIS (Hrsg.): Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024 Proceedings. Würzburg, Germany 2024. BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
E-commerce is one of the most important sectors of the economy, with an expected global turnover of USD 7.4 trillion in 2024. Leading companies in the industry like Amazon and Alibaba leverage platform business models that orchestrate complex ecosystems of buyers and sellers. These ecosystems are characterized by globally intertwined networks of independent participants and multifaceted interactions, making their development hard to predict. We propose an agent-based simulation approach, following the three-step process of Haki et al. (2020), to predict the behavior of e-commerce ecosystems with a particular focus on the impact of premium subscription services. Simulation models offer the opportunity to tangibly visualize the effects of a participant's actions on the ecosystem level. Our simulation includes the key actors (i.e., buyer, seller, marketplace), their characteristics, and behaviors to draw conclusions about the evolution of the ecosystem and the strategic role of premium memberships in shaping these digital landscapes.
- Opriel, Sebastian; Möller, Frederik; Strobel, Gero; Otto, Boris: Data Sovereignty in Inter-organizational Information Systems - Findings from Demand and Capacity Management in the Automotive Industry. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (2024). doi:10.1007/s12599-024-00893-4BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Car manufacturers and suppliers in the Automotive industry increasingly face the issue of optimization of highly complex supply chains that need to accommodate each customer's precise demands, requiring a vast array of parts and information to be available at the right place and at the right time. This involves data sharing between organizations, which is hindered by various issues, such as fear of data misappropriation by the data receiver or the involuntary disclosure of business secrets. The paper proposes design principles for a novel type of Inter-Organizational Information System, which addresses these challenges through the technical implementation of data sovereignty. The study reports on an Action Design Research study in the Automotive industry between a car manufacturer and a 1st-tier supplier. It contributes (a) design requirements, (b) design features, (c) an instantiation, and (d) design principles for this type of data sovereign inter-organizational information system.
- Strobel, Gero; Banh, Leonardo: What Did the Doctor Say? Empowering Patient Comprehension with Generative AI. In: AIS (Hrsg.): ECIS 2024 Research Papers. Paphos, Cyprus 2024. VolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
As global challenges, such as pandemics, population growth and widespread illnesses, continue to rise, healthcare systems are facing greater strain, resulting in a shortage of resources and increased demands for medical care. Effective communication between healthcare professionals and patients is essential for the provision of good services to prevent confusion and induced anxiety of patients, particularly when medical jargon is employed and not understood. Generative AI (GAI) presents a chance to transform healthcare communication by providing language processing capabilities that enhance patient-centered services. This paper examines how GAI-based conversational agents for explaining medical jargon in healthcare should be designed. We derived eleven design principles from a systematic literature review and evaluated them with nine clinical cardiological scenarios through a prototypical instantiation of an LLM-based conversational agent. The results provide insights for researchers and healthcare providers in form of prescriptive design knowledge to improve patient communication using GAI.
- Wulfert, Tobias; Strobel, Gero; Hoang, Hiep: Let’s join forces: boundary resources as enablers of value co-creation in e-commerce ecosystems. In: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (2024). doi:10.1007/s10660-024-09848-zBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Collaboration and value co-creation are important drivers of the continuous growth of e-commerce, which is expected to reach US \$6.4 trillion in 2024 despite current global crises. Only a few transaction platforms currently dominate e-commerce (eg., Amazon, Walmart), but other participants are likely to join these platforms’ ecosystems. Third-party developers can provide extensions to these ecosystems to enhance the platforms’ functionality, but third-party developers’ role in e-commerce ecosystems’ success and generativity remains underexamined in academia. The present study scrutinizes the efficacy of boundary resources in attracting and managing third-party developers in e-commerce ecosystems. This investigation is predicated upon qualitative data gathered through interviews with 14 domain experts. The insights derived from these interviews have culminated in the formulation of seven design principles. These design principles are envisaged to serve as a guiding framework for owners of innovation and transaction platforms within the e-commerce sphere, facilitating the strategic deployment of boundary resources. It is anticipated that collaboration, value creation, and the overall generative capacity as well as the success of e-commerce ecosystems shall be considerably enhanced.
- Möller, F.; Strobel, G.; Schoormann, T.; Otto, B.; Cappello, C.; Legner, C. (Hrsg.): Special Issue on Designing Data Ecosystems: Foundations, Configurations and Value, Electronic Markets 2024. BIB DownloadDetails
- Strobel, Gero; Banh, Leonardo; Möller, Frederik; Schoormann, Thorsten: Exploring Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Taxonomy and Types. In: Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA 2024. VolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) is a prevalent topic in recent research and business, seemingly taking the position of a disruptive technology that has the potential to significantly transform industries ranging from productivity (e.g., ChatGPT-4) to creativity (e.g., DALL-E). While the emerging scientific discussion on GAI covers a variety of fields and issues, such as privacy, accuracy, and application scenarios, this paper sheds light on the business side of GAI by investigating the morphologic nature of start-ups and incumbents leveraging GAI. Based on the structured analysis of 100 real-world instances, we report on a taxonomy of GAI applications and services that advances our practical understanding, strengthens the distinguishability, as well as adds clarity to the discourse of GAI potentials. We provide an initial framework and five types of GAI, namely Generator, Reimaginator, Synthesizer, Assistant, and Enabler, that are informed by the core characteristics of the technology paradigm.
- Banh, Leonardo; Strobel, Gero: Generative artificial intelligence. In: Electronic Markets, Jg. 33 (2023) Nr. 63. doi:10.1007/s12525-023-00680-1BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) have enabled new paradigms of machine processing, shifting from data-driven, discriminative AI tasks toward sophisticated, creative tasks through generative AI. Leveraging deep generative models, generative AI is capable of producing novel and realistic content across a broad spectrum (e.g., texts, images, or programming code) for various domains based on basic user prompts. In this article, we offer a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of generative AI with its underpinning concepts and prospects. We provide a conceptual introduction to relevant terms and techniques, outline the inherent properties that constitute generative AI, and elaborate on the potentials and challenges. We underline the necessity for researchers and practitioners to comprehend the distinctive characteristics of generative artificial intelligence in order to harness its potential while mitigating its risks and to contribute to a principal understanding.
- Petrik, D.; Springer, V.; Strobel, G.; Möller, F.; Schoormann, T: Understanding Value-based Pricing for Industrial Internet of Things. In: Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Hyderabad, India 2023. BIB DownloadDetails
- Strobel, Gero; Schoormann, Thorsten; Banh, Leonardo; Möller, Frederik: Artificial Intelligence for Sign Language Translation – A Design Science Research Study. In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Jg. 53 (2023) Nr. 3. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.05303VolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Although our digitalized society is able to foster social inclusion and integration, there are still numerous communities having unequal opportunities. This is also the case with deaf people. About 750,000 deaf people only in the European Union and over 4 million people in the United States face daily challenges in terms of communication and participation, such as in leisure activities but more importantly in emergencies too. To provide equal environments and allow people with hearing handicaps to communicate in their native language, this paper presents an AI-based sign language translator. We adopted a transformer neural network capable of analyzing over 500 data points from a person’s gestures and face to translate sign language into text. We have designed a machine learning pipeline that enables the translator to evolve, build new datasets, and train sign language recognition models. As proof of concept, we instantiated a sign language interpreter for an emergency call with over 200 phrases. The overall goal is to support people with hearing inabilities by enabling them to participate in economic, social, political, and cultural life.
- Muschkiet, Michel; Wulfert, Tobias; Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero; Banh, Leonardo: Unleashing the digital building bricks - A smart service taxonomy for retail. In: Electronic Markets, Jg. 2023 (2023) Nr. 33. doi:10.1007/s12525-023-00666-zVolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
The increasing online competition, associated changes in customer behaviors, and effects of the pandemic in recent years have led to increasing retail store closures. This development has given rise to a downward spiral in terms of a decreasing attractiveness of local shopping places and a further reduction of stores. Research has recognized that smart services can unleash the potential to compensate for the competitive disadvantages of physical retailers by combining tailored physical and digital offerings to enhance customer-oriented value creation. However, most approaches are limited to in-store services without addressing the wider shopping experience in retail surroundings. Therefore, this paper provides a classification framework for smart services in retail evaluated against 163 use cases, as well as six service archetypes. This work contributes to understanding relevant service design elements and proposes applying the idea of a holistic customer experience to service design in physical retail environments.
- Banh, Leonardo; Strobel, Gero: The Sound of Progress: Investigating the Representation of Artificial Intelligence in Music. In: AiS (Hrsg.): Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 Proceedings. Paderborn, Germany 2023. VolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
The role of artificial intelligence in daily life is constantly advancing and has become an important topic of discussion. With music and its lyrics being a vehicle to express topics of society, this paper investigates how artificial intelligence is perceived by musicians and reflected in their songs. By analyzing the lyrics of over 1,200 songs over three decades, this work applies sentiment analysis to extract polarities and emotions. The results provide insights into how musicians view and reflect the impact of artificial intelligence on society and how this is reflected in their song texts. The findings show an increase in songs mentioning artificial intelligence-related terms, with a trend of more songs implying negativity, such as anger. However, minor increases in positive emotions indicate musicians' ambivalent views on hopes and fear of artificial intelligence.
- Helferich, A.; Petrik, D.; Strobel, G.; Peine, K. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Software Product Management, 2023. BIB DownloadDetails
- Petrik, D.; Springer, V.; Strobel, G.; Möller, F.; Schoormann, T.: The Price is Right: Exploring Pricing of Digital Industrial Platforms. In: Information Systems Management (2023). doi:10.1080/10580530.2023.2223356BIB DownloadDetails
- Wulfert, Tobias; Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero; Schoormann, Thorsten; Banh, Leonardo: Unboxing the Role of E-Commerce Ecosystems to Address Grand Challenges. In: AIS (Hrsg.): ECIS 2023 Research Papers. Kristiansand, Norway 2023. VolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
The modern world is confronted with grand challenges, such as those codified by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. As single organizations are often not capable of addressing a broad set of goals on their own, they are increasingly concerned with creating ecosystems. This is also the case in the domain of e-commerce. Owners of focal platforms in e-commerce ecosystems have the power to implement sustainability initiatives and therefore need to be equipped with an overview of possible initiatives and actionable guidance. To unbox how e-commerce ecosystem participants consider sustainability, we conducted a multi-case study with 99 initiatives collected from sustainability reports. We found that (1) sustainability initiatives particularly focus on reducing inequality and managing climate change as well as (2) manufacturers, sellers, and service providers are the most involved ecosystem participants. Based on our findings, we (3) synthesized six categories of sustainability initiatives as measurements.
- Azkan, C.; Strobel, G.; Iggena, L.; Gelhaar, J.; Kreyenborg, A.: Barriers to the development of data-driven services: An ISM approach for SMEs. In: Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) . Hawaii, USA 2023. BIB DownloadDetails
- Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero; Wulfert, Tobias: Four Shades of Customer: How Value Flows in Fintech Ecosystems. In: AiS (Hrsg.): ICIS 2022 Proceedings. Copenhagen, Denmark 2022. VolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
The financial sector is undergoing a massive transformation, with new technology-driven players challenging established mechanisms and transforming the sector into a fast-moving market. With the gradual transition from a scale economy to a platform-driven network economy, enterprise networks are gaining strategic importance. Despite the growing interest in fintech’s, research has so far lacked a conceptualization of value creation in fintech ecosystems. Therefore, this research paper aims to analyze key players, value creation activities, and value streams based on the analysis of the business models of payment services, personal financial management, robo-advisory, peer-to-peer lending, trading, and cryptocurrency. We present a holistic value network for the fintech ecosystem based on structured literature review and analysis of 171 fintech companies. We were able to show that fintech platform orchestrates multiple market sides and that customers take four distinct roles at the center of the ecosystem when using fintech services.
- Möller, Frederik; Schoormann, Thorsten; Strobel, Gero; Hansen, Magnus Rotvit Perlt: Unveiling the Cloak: Kernel Theory Use in Design Science Research. In: AiS (Hrsg.): ICIS 2022 Proceedings. Copenhagen, Denmark 2022. VolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Theory is an essential part of design research and helps us to explain what we see or guide what we design. In the paper, we shed light on how kernel theories are used in developing design principles in Design Science Research (DSR). We do this by reporting on a systematic literature review, from which we have extracted a set of six mechanisms to operationalize kernel theory. Each mechanism consists of an activity (e.g., “transform to” or “derive from”) and an application point (e.g., meta-requirements or design principles) representing wherein the chain of concepts the kernel theory was used. The paper reflects on what we have learned about the use of kernel theories and translates this into recommendations and issues for further research. We provide researchers with guidance to use kernel theories more efficiently and give a big picture of the possibilities of kernel theory operationalization.
- Sieber; C.; Silva, Da; M.; Strobel; G.; Brogt; T.; Berkowitz; S.; Zembrot; L.: A Universal Approach to Command and Control Heterogeneous Autonomous Robots.. In: Digitalisierungs-, Universität Der Bundeswehr Hamburg: Forschungsaktivitäten Im Zentrum Für; Dtec. Bw, Technologieforschung Der Bundeswehr (Hrsg.):äge der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität. 2022. doi:10.24405/14522BIB DownloadDetails
- van der Valk, Hendrik; Strobel, Gero; Handrup, Stephanie; Hunker, Joachim; Tomczyk, Martin: Supply Chains in the Era of Digital Twins – A Review. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Industry Sciences and Computer Sciences Innovation. Porto, Portugal 2022. BIB DownloadDetails
- Wache, Hendrik; Möller, Frederik; Schoormann, Thorsten; Strobel, Gero; Petrik, Dimitri: Exploring the Abstraction Levels of Design Principles: The Case of Chatbots. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). Nürnberg, Germany 2022. BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Formulating design principles is the primary mechanism to codify design knowledge which elevates its meaning to a general level and applicability. Although we can observe a great variety of abstraction levels in available design principles, spanning from more situated to more generic levels, there is only limited knowledge about the corresponding (dis-)advantages of using a certain level of abstraction. That is problematic because it hinders researchers in making informed decisions regarding the (intended) level of abstraction and practitioners in being oriented whether the principles are already contextualized or still require effort to apply them within their situation. Against this backdrop, this paper (1) explores different abstraction levels based on a sample of 69 design principles from the chatbot domain as well as (2) provides a preliminary positioning framework and lessons learned. We aim to complement methodological guidance and strengthen the principles' applicability, leading to knowledge reuse.
- Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero: Show me the Money: How to monetize data in data-driven business models?. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). Nürnberg, Germany 2022. BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Increasing digitization and the associated tremendous usage of technology have led to data of unprecedented quantity, variety, and speed, which is generated, processed, and required in almost all areas of industry and life. The value creation and capturing from data presents companies with numerous challenges, as they must create or adapt appropriate structures and processes. As a link between corporate strategy and business processes, business models are a suitable instrument for meeting these challenges. However, few research has been conducted focusing on data-based monetization in the context of data-driven business models so far. Based on a systematic literature review the paper identifies five key components and 23 characteristics of data-driven business models having crucial influence on data-based value creation and value capturing and thus on monetization. The components represent key factors for achieving commercial benefits from data and serve as guidance for exploring and designing suitable data-driven business models.
- Schoormann, Thorsten; Strobel, Gero; Möller, Frederik; Petrik, Dimitri: Achieving Sustainability with Artificial Intelligence - A Survey of Information Systems Research. In: AiS (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Austin, Texas 2021. VolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Understanding the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is crucial to contribute to sustainable development including the most fundamental challenges of our society, such as climate change, healthy lives, and inclusive economic growth. As Information Systems (IS) research has a great tradition of investigating how technology and methods can be employed to foster sustainability, this study follows widely accepted expectations that AI will boost this. Against this backdrop, the present study aims at revealing how and what purposes IS researchers use AI for sustainability. Based on a literature corpus of 95 articles, promising research in diverse fields has been found that underlines the great potential of IS in achieving economic, ecological, and social sustainability. In doing so, this study complements recent research streams on AI and sustainability from a IS perspective by providing a comprehensive overview of themes, topics, and clusters addressed within IS literature and discussing future avenues for research.
- Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero: Understanding Value Creation in Digital Companies – A Taxonomy of IoT-enabled Business Models. In: AiS (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021). A Virtual AIS Conference 2021. BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
The spread of the Internet of Things offers companies the potential to exert a disruptive influence on existing market structures and entire domains. The shift from product to service orientation and the integration of the customer as a value co-creator makes the identification and development of value-adding, IoT-based offerings a central challenge. As a link between strategy and business processes, business models are a suitable tool to meet this challenge. However, present business models lack of consideration of IoT specific characteristics. Against this background we provide a taxonomy for the description of IoT-based business models based on systematic literature research. Furthermore, the taxonomy is applied to 103 business models, demonstrating its usefulness. We also provide insights into the design of business models within two domains. The taxonomy provides a tool for investigating busi-ness models, especially how IoT can be incorporated into them and also a conceptual basis for future research.
- Strobel, Gero: Honey, I Shrunk the Internet of Things: An Internet of Nano-Things Taxonomy. In: AiS (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). A Virtual AIS Conference 2021. BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Nanotechnology is no longer science fiction. For more than half a century, the manipulation of matter at the atomic level has been an integral part of the methodological framework of a wide range of disciplines, e.g., physics, chemistry, biology. The fusion of nanotechnological approaches with the paradigm of the Internet of Things led to the creation of a new type of smart, internet-connected objects on the nanoscale at the beginning of the last decade under the term Internet of Nano Things. Despite the growing interest in research and practice, however, there is a lack of a basic, methodologically sound classification of methodological approaches and concepts that not only names them, but also shows their characteristics and forms of expression in order to create a common understanding within the domain. To address this shortcoming, the paper presents a taxonomy for IoNT-based systems to provide a conceptual basis for future research.
- Strobel, Gero; Paukstadt, Ute; Becker, Jörg; Eicker, Stefan: Von smarten Produkten zu smarten Dienstleistungen und deren Auswirkung auf die Wertschöpfung. In: Meinhardt, S.; Wortmann, F. (Hrsg.): IoT – Best Practices. Edition HMD. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2021, S. 255-244. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-32439-1_13BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Im Rahmen der Digitalisierung nehmen smarte Produkte und die darauf aufbauenden intelligenten Dienstleistungen einen immer größeren Platz sowohl im betrieblichen Kontext als auch im Endkundenbereich ein. Auslöser hierfür stellt vor allem die leistungsfähigere und kostengünstigere Hardware dar, welche es Unternehmen ermöglicht, zunehmend Produkte mit intelligenten und vernetzten Komponenten auszustatten. Diese smarten Produkte bieten Unternehmen und Kunden völlig neue Möglichkeiten zur Interaktion, bieten neue Mehrwerte und beeinflussen die unternehmerische Wertschöpfung an sich. Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, einen Einstieg in das Themenfeld der smarten Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu geben und aufzuzeigen, welche Möglichkeiten diese für den Endnutzer und für Unternehmen eröffnen.
Unveränderter Original-Beitrag Strobel et al. (2019) Von smarten Produkten zu smarten Dienstleistungen und deren Auswirkung auf die Wertschöpfung, HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 56, 494–513.
- Eicker, Stefan; Strobel, Gero; Brogt, Tobias: Smart Service. In: Kollmann, T.; Kuckertz, A.; Stöckmann, C. (Hrsg.): Gabler Kompakt-Lexikon Unternehmensgründung. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2021. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-30901-5_19BIB DownloadDetails
- Eicker, Stefan; Strobel, Gero: Backend as a Service (BaaS). In: Kollmann, T.; Kuckertz, A.; Stöckmann, C. (Hrsg.): Gabler Kompakt-Lexikon Unternehmensgründung. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2021. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-30901-5_2BIB DownloadDetails
- Eicker, Stefan; Brogt, Tobias; Strobel, Gero: Smart Product. In: Kollmann, T.; Kuckertz, A.; Stöckmann, C. (Hrsg.): Gabler Kompakt-Lexikon Unternehmensgründung. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2021. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-30901-5_19BIB DownloadDetails
- Strobel, Gero: Health in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Domain-Specific Modelling Language. In: Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA (Virtuell) 2021. BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Based on the cultural, social and technological development of the last hundred years, the pursuit of health driven by primal instincts has been transformed in most areas worldwide into a quasi de facto standard. But this security is deceptive. Not only the global developments of the last few months, but also creeping factors such as demographic change or the steadily growing world population are putting increasing pressure on the healthcare system. Today, more and more health care systems based on continuous demand for medical resources are increasingly reaching their limits. Technologies such as the Internet of Things are not a panacea, but offer great potential for increasing the flexibility and efficiency of healthcare systems. However, the development of such IoT-based healthcare systems requires a holistic understanding of the information technology as well as the domain itself. Against this background, the paper presents a domain-specific modelling language for IoT-based healthcare systems
- Strobel, Gero; Mittnacht, Judith: Richard, Are We There Yet? An Internet of Nano Things Information System Architecture. In: Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA (Virtuell) 2021. BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Richard Feynman’s visionary lecture at Caltech, which dates back more than half a century, is regarded as the birth of today's nanotechnology. Over time, many nanotechnology-based approaches, methods, and innovations have been adopted in almost all research disciplines. This nano-centered evolution is currently transforming the traditional paradigm of the Internet of Things into the Internet of Nano Things. However, the focus here is not on the mere adaptation of down scaling and is instead primarily on the effects and characteristics that result from this new scale. To fully exploit these new possibilities and combine them with existing added-value technologies, it is not sufficient to miniaturize existing Internet-of-Things- based systems—they must be developed from scratch. Against this background, this study examines the main areas of nanotechnology in combination with the Internet of Things phenomenon and, based on an exploratory literature search, presents an information system architecture for IoNT-based information systems.
- Strobel, Gero: Information Systems in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Domain-Specific Modeling Language. In: Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii, USA (Virtuell) 2021. BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Based on the technological developments of the last few years and the associated digitalisation, the Internet of Things is now an essential part of practically every aspect of life. Smart products with their sensors and actuators are not only boundary objects between the physical and digital world, but also tie both worlds more and more together. The capabilities of the products range from simple monitoring tasks by drones in agriculture to autonomous use in mining. However, in order to exploit the full potential of these capabilities, it is not enough to use individual smart products or sensors, it is necessary to develop holistic IoT-based information systems from the ground up. To take such a systemic perspective, it is essential to have a sound conceptual understanding of the domain and a common language. Against this background, the publication presents a domain-specific modelling language for IoT-based information systems.
- Strobel, Gero; Perl, Juliane: Health in the Era of the Internet of Things – A Smart Health Information System Architecture. In: AiS (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). Dubai, UAE 2020. VolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Health and well-being have been among the essential needs of humanity since the beginning of time. The healthcare systems are coming under more and more pressure due to a constantly growing world population, demographic change and steady rising of chronic disease rates. Through these circumstances, traditional healthcare systems may soon reach their limits and medical resources are becoming an increasingly valuable commodity. Modern technologies like the Internet of Things offer based on their application possibilities great potential for increasing among others flexibility, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the healthcare system. To ensure such an IoT based healthcare for patients, holistic information and communication technology solutions are required that integrate both system-relevant technological and human aspects. Against this background, we present a generic information system architecture for smart health systems, based on a systematic literature driven explorative analysis of the domain.
- Brogt, Tobias; Strobel, Gero: Service Systems in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Smart Service System Taxonomy. In: AiS (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Marrakesh, Morocco 2020. BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Services are becoming increasingly important, and service systems are seeing the use of service-dominant logic to understand value creation through the integration of active and passive resources. Digital transformation is significantly influencing service systems, and new, smart technologies are enabling innovative value propositions, leading to smart service systems. Smart products, which are a part of the Internet of Things, are the main building blocks of such systems. Attempts have been made to conceptualize smart service systems, but there seems to be no consensus in the literature because, for example, smart products have not been defined in a consistent way. We therefore examine ways to classify smart service systems in terms of their characteristics and attributes. We develop a taxonomy based on a systematic literature review focusing on smart features. Furthermore, an evaluation using domain-specific use cases demonstrates the applicability of the taxonomy. Our contribution combines and extends the available conceptualizations regarding smart service systems to pave the way for the necessary future research.
- Strobel, Gero: Agriculture in the Era of the Internet of Things: An Information System Architecture for Smart Agriculture. In: AiS (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Marrakesh, Morocco 2020. BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Food has been a fundamental human need since the beginning of time. Agriculture, as the central foundation of global food production, is increasingly coming under pressure from the growing world population. Even today, it´s no longer possible to guarantee sufficient food security in the long term and 10% of humanity goes to bed hungry every night. Given the expected increase in the world’s population based on today’s figures and an associated more than 70% necessary increase in food sector production, the question arises whether this is feasible using classical methods and approaches. The use of modern information and communication technology alone is certainly not a panacea. Despite all this, technologies, such as the Internet of Things, show great potential for the development of more productive and cost-effective but, above all, more sustainable agriculture. However, developing such a solution requires more than a purely technical point of view. Only by creating a holistic information technology solution that takes not only a technological but also a plant, animal, human and therefore holistic perspective can real progress be made. Against this background, this paper represents the publication of a generic information system architecture based on a systematic literature-driven explorative analysis of the domain.
- Strobel, Gero: Farming in the Era of Internet of Things - An information system architecture for smart farming. In: Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). Potsdam 2020. doi:10.30844/wi_2020_x1-strobelVolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
The Internet of Things and associated smart products are finding application in evermore domains. Within agriculture it is described under the term smart farming. Using smart products allows farmers to automatically record relevant information, monitor operating procedures or remotely control machines. To make these capabilities usable for added value, not only smart products but entire information systems that align to the domain and its requirements are necessary. Within the literature, various architectures can be found already. However, many lack a methodical foundation or an abstraction of application cases and technology. Against this background, the article presents an information system architecture independent of application cases or technology and oriented toward the domain of smart farming. Starting point of the development is a systematic literature review, based on Webster and Watson in combination with Vom Brocke, based on 18 existing architecture approaches that are analyzed and aggregated.
- Schiller, Barbara; Brogt, Tobias; Schuler, J. Peter M.; Strobel, Gero; Eicker, Stefan: Identifying Quality Factors for Self-Tracking Solutions: A Systematic Literature Review. In: Proceedings of the 53nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii, USA 2020. doi:10.24251/HICSS.2020.452BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Self-tracking solutions have become globally widespread, as they promise numerous advantages (e.g. improving health) to their users. Despite their benefits, such solutions are often abandoned due to quality issues. This phenomenon can also be observed for digitized products in general. As self-tracking solutions are hybrid products, combining digital and physical components, traditional domain-independent and abstract quality models like the prominent ISO 25000 standard seem to not cover quality in an appropriate way. We address these issues by answering the research question of which factors affect quality perceptions of different stakeholder groups when interacting in a wearable ecosystem. We use a systematic literature review based on a research protocol to identify and analyze 98 quality-influencing factors from 19 studies that we cluster in a map. The identified factors are compared to the ISO 25000 standard, showing that certain factors like hedonic motivation are unconsidered thoroughly in the existing standard.
- Schiller, Barbara; Brogt, Tobias; Schuler, J. Peter M.; Strobel, Gero; Eicker, Stefan: Identifying Quality Factors for Self-Tracking Solutions: A Systematic Literature Review. In: Proceedings of the 53nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii, USA 2020. doi:10.24251/HICSS.2020.452BIB DownloadKurzfassung
Self-tracking solutions have become globally widespread, as they promise numerous advantages (e.g. improving health) to their users. Despite their benefits, such solutions are often abandoned due to quality issues. This phenomenon can also be observed for digitized products in general. As self-tracking solutions are hybrid products, combining digital and physical components, traditional domain-independent and abstract quality models like the prominent ISO 25000 standard seem to not cover quality in an appropriate way. We address these issues by answering the research question of which factors affect quality perceptions of different stakeholder groups when interacting in a wearable ecosystem. We use a systematic literature review based on a research protocol to identify and analyze 98 quality-influencing factors from 19 studies that we cluster in a map. The identified factors are compared to the ISO 25000 standard, showing that certain factors like hedonic motivation are unconsidered thoroughly in the existing standard.
- Thörmer, Falk; Hein, Markus; Strobel, Gero; Eicker, Stefan: Die gewerbesteuerliche Hinzurechnung von Aufwendungen für Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). In: Betriebs Berater , Jg. 2019 (2019) Nr. 50, S. 2967-2970. VolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Die Bedeutung von sog. Cloud-Services hat in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich zugenommen. Hiermit einher gehen unterschiedlichste Zweifelsfragen und Auseinandersetzungen mit der Finanzverwaltung im Rahmen von Betriebsprüfungen. Dies ist der Tatsache geschuldet, dass regelmäßig große Unsicherheit auf drei Ebenen besteht: Es ist erstens für die Steuerabteilung oder den Berater nur schwer nachvollziehbar, welche konkreten Leistungen sich hinter einem Begriff wie “Cloud-Aufwendungen” verbergen und wie diese Leistungen technisch erbracht werden. Auf einer zweiten Ebene herrscht regelmäßig Unsicherheit im Hinblick auf die zivilrechtliche Kategorisierung entsprechender Verträge und Leistungsbeziehungen. Schließlich ist auf einer dritten Ebene regelmäßig unklar, wie sich die steuerliche Behandlung darstellt. Das kann unter anderem Themen wie Quellensteuereinbehalt/beschränkte Steuerpflicht, die Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung oder auch die gewerbesteuerliche Hinzurechnung betreffen. Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich letzterer und hierbei insbesondere der sog. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) als einer wesentlichen Art von Cloud-Diensten.
- Paukstadt, Ute; Strobel, Gero; Eicker, Stefan: UNDERSTANDING SERVICES IN THE ERA OF THE INTERNET OF THINGS: A SMART SERVICE TAXONOMY. In: Ais (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Stockholm 2019. VolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
In recent years, the “Internet of Things” with so called “smart products” has obtained increasingpopularity in both practice and research. By building on the capabilities of smart products, servicestransform to “smart services” emphasizing the value smart products can provide and how it is co- created. Even though first attempts have been conducted to conceptualize and classify smart services, there seems to be no overall consensus on the specific characteristics of smart services, which different forms they can take on and how different smart services can be described. For example, existing research on smart services does not always consider the common service design elements “servicecontent” and “service delivery”. To address this shortcoming, we develop a taxonomy of smart services by applying extant literature. We further demonstrate the usefulness of our taxonomy by classifying 50 empirical objects and presenting three cases. As a contribution, the paper enhances the understanding of the notion of smart services and strengthens the conceptual foundation for future smart service research.
- Strobel, Gero; Paukstadt, Ute; Becker, Jörg; Eicker, Stefan: Von smarten Produkten zu smarten Dienstleistungen und deren Auswirkung auf die Wertschöpfung. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Jg. 56 (2019) Nr. 3, S. 494-513. doi:10.1365/s40702-019-00520-xVolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Im Rahmen der Digitalisierung nehmen smarte Produkte und die darauf aufbauenden intelligenten Dienstleistungen einen immer größeren Platz sowohl im betrieblichen Kontext als auch im Endkundenbereich ein. Auslöser hierfür stellt vor allem die leistungsfähigere und kostengünstigere Hardware dar, welche es Unternehmen ermöglicht, zunehmend Produkte mit intelligenten und vernetzten Komponenten auszustatten. Diese smarten Produkte bieten Unternehmen und Kunden völlig neue Möglichkeiten zur Interaktion, bieten neue Mehrwerte und beeinflussen die unternehmerische Wertschöpfung an sich. Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, einen Einstieg in das Themenfeld der smarten Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu geben und aufzuzeigen, welche Möglichkeiten diese für den Endnutzer und für Unternehmen eröffnen.
- Paukstadt, Ute; Strobel, Gero; Eicker, Stefan; Becker, Jörg: Smart Services und ihr Einfluss auf die Wertschöpfung und Geschäftsmodelle von Unternehmen. In: Kollmann, Tobias (Hrsg.): Handbuch Digitale Wirtschaft. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2019, S. 1-21. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-17345-6VolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
In den letzten Jahren wurde die Digitalisierung verstärkt vor dem Hintergrund desInternets der Dinge betrachtet, bei dem jegliche Bestandteile des täglichen Lebens zu intelligenten Objekten (Smart Products) werden und mit dem Internet verbunden sind. Aufbauend auf den Smart Products entstehen neue digitale Dienstleistungen, sogenannte Smart Services. Mit diesen intelligenten Dienstleis- tungen werden völlig neue Wertschöpfungspotenziale erschlossen, die sich eben- falls auf die Geschäftsmodelle von Unternehmen auswirken. Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, einerseits einen allgemeinen Einstieg in den Themenkomplex der Smart Services zu bieten und selbige andererseits spezifisch vor dem Hintergrund ihres Wertschöpfungspotenzials für Geschäftsmodelle und Ökosysteme näher zu beleuchten.
- Schiller, Barbara; Brogt, Tobias; Schuler, J. Peter M.; Strobel, Gero: Can Self-Tracking Solutions Help with Understanding Quality of Smart, Connected Products?. In: Ais (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Portsmouth 2018. BIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
Smart connected products (SCPs) have gained significant attention in different domains because they offer numerous benefits and change the way of competition and value creation. While quality is im-portant for SCPs, no holistic quality model is available to target the present quality problems. Further-more, since the concept of an SCP is quite abstract, a bottom-up approach that starts with a concrete example seems suitable. Therefore, this paper identifies the five key components of SCPs and maps them to self-tracking solutions (STS) in order to show that STSs are suitable substitutes. We also analyse quality models in corresponding areas to verify the absence of a holistic quality model for the selected example. This contribution identifies the research gap regarding holistic, stakeholder-oriented quality models and helps researchers understand SCPs better.
- Schiller, Barbara; Brogt, Tobias; Schuler, J. Peter M.; Strobel, Gero: Can Self-Tracking Solutions Help with Understanding Quality of Smart, Connected Products?. In: Ais (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Portsmouth 2018. BIB DownloadKurzfassung
Smart connected products (SCPs) have gained significant attention in different domains because they offer numerous benefits and change the way of competition and value creation. While quality is im-portant for SCPs, no holistic quality model is available to target the present quality problems. Further-more, since the concept of an SCP is quite abstract, a bottom-up approach that starts with a concrete example seems suitable. Therefore, this paper identifies the five key components of SCPs and maps them to self-tracking solutions (STS) in order to show that STSs are suitable substitutes. We also analyse quality models in corresponding areas to verify the absence of a holistic quality model for the selected example. This contribution identifies the research gap regarding holistic, stakeholder-oriented quality models and helps researchers understand SCPs better.
Möller, F.; Strobel, G.; Schoormann, T.; Otto, B.; Cappello, C.; Legner, C. (Ed.): Special Issue on Designing Data Ecosystems: Foundations, Configurations and Value, Electronic Markets 2024.
- Guest Editor - Electronic Markets
- Associated Editor - International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
- Associated Editor - European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
- Track-Chair auf der Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) für den Mini-Track “Designing Data Ecosystems: Value, Impacts, and Fundamentals”
- Track-Chair auf der Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) für den Track “Data Ecosystems in Information Systems”
- Member of the Program Committee für die International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB)
- Member of the Program Committee für die International Workshop on Software-intensive Business (IWSIB)
- Member of the Program Committee für die Nachhaltige Wertschöpfungssysteme (NaWerSys)
- Initiator und Co-Chair der International Conference für Software Produktmanagement (ICSPM)
- Reviewer für Connection Science
- Gutachter für die OeAD – Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, Republik Österreich
- Gutachter für die Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
- Reviewer für die International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
- Reviewer für die European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
- Reviewer für die Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)
- Reviewer für die Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
- Reviewer für die Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
- Reviewer für die Internationale Tagung der Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI)
Helferich, A.; Petrik, D.; Strobel, G.; Peine, K. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Software Product Management, 2023
- Strobel, Gero: Health in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Domain-Specific Modelling Language, 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 07.01.2021, Hawaii, USA (Virtuell) . Details
- Strobel, Gero: Health in the Era of the Internet of Things – A Smart Health Information System Architecture, 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 22.06.2020, Dubai, UAE - Virtual. Details
- Brogt, Tobias; Strobel, Gero: Service Systems in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Smart Service System Taxonomy., 28th European Conference on Information Systems, 17.06.2020, Marrakesh, Morocco - Virtual. Details
- Strobel, Gero: Agriculture in the Era of the Internet of Things: An Information System Architecture for Smart Agriculture, 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 15.06.2020, Marrakesh, Morocco - Virtual. AbstractDetails
Food has been a fundamental human need since the beginning of time. Agriculture, as the central foundation of global food production, is increasingly coming under pressure from the growing world population. Even today, it ́s no longer possible to guarantee sufficient food security in the long term and 10% of humanity goes to bed hungry every night. Given the expected increase in the world’s population based on today’s figures and an associated more than 70% necessary increase in food sector production, the question arises whether this is feasible using classical methods and approaches. The use of modern information and communication technology alone is certainly not a panacea. Despite all this, technologies, such as the Internet of Things, show great potential for the development of more productive and cost-effective but, above all, more sustainable agriculture. However, developing such a solution requires more than a purely technical point of view. Only by creating a holistic information technology solution that takes not only a technological but also a plant, animal, human and therefore holistic perspective can real progress be made. Against this background, this paper represents the publication of a generic information system architecture based on a systematic literature-driven explorative analysis of the domain.
- Strobel, Gero: Farming in the Era of Internet of Things - An information system architecture for smart farming, Internationale Tagung der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 09.03.2020, Potsdam. AbstractDetails
The Internet of Things and associated smart products are finding application in evermore domains. Within agriculture it is described under the term smart farming. Using smart products allows farmers to automatically record relevant information, monitor operating procedures or remotely control machines. To make these capabilities usable for added value, not only smart products but entire information systems that align to the domain and its requirements are necessary. Within the literature, various architectures can be found already. However, many lack a methodical foundation or an abstraction of application cases and technology. Against this background, the article presents an information system architecture independent of application cases or technology and oriented toward the domain of smart farming. Starting point of the development is a systematic literature review, based on Webster and Watson in combination with Vom Brocke, based on 18 existing architecture approaches that are analyzed and aggregated.
- Brogt, Tobias; Strobel, Gero: Identifying Quality Factors for Self-Tracking Solutions: A Systematic Literature Review, 53nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 07.01.2020, Hawaii, USA. AbstractDetails
Self-tracking solutions have become globally widespread, as they promise numerous advantages (e.g. improving health) to their users. Despite their benefits, such solutions are often abandoned due to quality issues. This phenomenon can also be observed for digitized products in general. As self-tracking solutions are hybrid products, combining digital and physical components, traditional domain-independent and abstract quality models like the prominent ISO 25000 standard seem to not cover quality in an appropriate way. We address these issues by answering the research question of which factors affect quality perceptions of different stakeholder groups when interacting in a wearable ecosystem. We use a systematic literature review based on a research protocol to identify and analyze 98 quality-influencing factors from 19 studies that we cluster in a map. The identified factors are compared to the ISO 25000 standard, showing that certain factors like hedonic motivation are unconsidered thoroughly in the existing standard.
- Strobel, Gero: UNDERSTANDING SERVICES IN THE ERA OF THE INTERNET OF THINGS: A SMART SERVICE TAXONOMY, 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 12.06.2019, Stockholm, Schweden. Details
- Brogt, Tobias; Strobel, Gero: Can Self-Tracking Solutions Help with Understanding Quality of Smart, Connected Products?, 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 26.06.2018, Portsmouth, England. Details
Begleitete Abschlussarbeiten:
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- Ermittlung und Bewertung der Chancen und Risiken von Smart Grid - eine State of the Art Analyse (Bachelorarbeit Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2019)
- Analyse der Simplifizierungsmöglichkeiten von Geschäftsprozessen auf Basis agiler Methoden zur Optimierung betrieblicher Ressourcen (Bachelorarbeit Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2019)
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- Analyse der Auswirkungen der Digitalen Transformation im Handel am Beispiel der toom Baumakrt GmbH (Bachelorarbeit Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2018)
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- Wearables & Chronic Diseases – Can Wearables help patients and physicians with Prevention and Management? (Masterarbeit Wirtschaftsinformatik)
- Association for Information Systems (AIS)
- SIG Service AIS
- Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.
Inneruniversitäre Funktionen:
Auswahl der Tätigkeiten:
- Mitglied der QVM-Kommission des ICB seit Juni 2018
- Ersatz- / Mitglied des Fakultätsrat der Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften seit Oktober 2018
- (Ersatz)Mitglied der Kommission zur Qualitätssicherung in Studium und Lehre der Universität Duisburg-Essen seit Oktober 2018
- (Ersatz)Mitglied der Berufungskommision Betriebswirtschaftslehre für die Nachfolge Prof. Dr. Nienhüser - Lehrstuhl für Arbeit, Personal und Organisation seit November 2020
- Mitglied der Berufungskommission zur Verleihung der Bezeichnung "außerplanmäßiger Professor" seit Dezember 2020
- Stellvertrendes Vorstandsmitglied des Instituts für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik (ICB) der Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften seit Januar 2021