Current news

 Thu, 07. Jan 2021   Fischer, Tim

SOFTEC-Studienprojekt: Campus vor Ort

Im Rahmen des Projekts soll eine neue Webseite für die gemeinützige Initiative Campus vor Ort konzipiert und umgesetzt werden (in Zusammenarbeit mit Uniaktiv als Service Learning Projekt). Hierbei soll auf ein CMS zurückgegriffen...
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 Tue, 13. Oct 2020   Kalker, Hannah

Three publications by Gero Strobel accepted for HICSS 2021

We are pleased to inform you that tree scientific articles, written by our academic employee Gero Strobel, have been accepted for 54th Haiwaii International Conference on System Sciences. The conference, which has taken place...
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 Tue, 23. Jun 2020   Kalker, Hannah

Gero Strobel presents Smart Health Paper at the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)

At this year's Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) our academic employee Gero Strobel and Juliane Perl from Fraunhofer-Institut UMSICHT presented their jointly written scientific article "Health in the Era of...
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 Wed, 17. Jun 2020   Kalker, Hannah

Gero Strobel and Tobias Brogt present papers at the 28th European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS)

At this year's European Conference of Information Systems our academic staff Gero Strobel and Tobias Brogt successfully presented their scientific articles. Under the central theme "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity in a...
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 Mon, 25. May 2020   Katsanou, Marina

SOFTEC chair receives funding within the framework of the UDE support program Lehr-Lern-Innovation

The chair of Information Systems and Software Engineering is pleased to announce that the SOFTEC IoT Innovation Lab under the direction of Gero Strobel is supported with a grant of 10.000€ within the framework of the...
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 Thu, 14. May 2020   Mittnacht, Judith

Smart Health paper by Gero Strobel adopted at the PACIS 2020

We are pleased to inform you that the scientific paper "Health in the Era of the Internet of Things - A Smart Health Information System Architecture" by Gero Strobel and Juliane Perl was accepted as a Complete Research Paper at...
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 Sun, 10. May 2020   Rothkamm, Alexander

Two publications accepted for ECIS 2020

We are pleased to announce that two scientific articles, written by our staff members Gero Strobel and Tobias Brogt, have been accepted for ECIS 2020. This year's European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) was originally...
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 Mon, 20. Apr 2020   Rothkamm, Alexander

SOFTEC-Paper about intermodal mobility published

The scientific article "Entwicklung eines Konzepts zur informationssystembasierten Unterstützung intermodaler Mobilitätsansätze" has been published as part of the conference proceedings "Neue Dimensionen der Mobilität", edited by...
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 Thu, 02. Apr 2020   Schuler, J. Peter M.

Lehre am SOFTEC-Lehrstuhl (Prof. Eicker) im SS 20

Die Informationen zu den Lehrangeboten im aktuellen Semester sind nun auf der Webseite verfügbar. Für Bachelor-Studierende umfasst das Angebot dieses Semester: Seminar Wirtschaftsinformatik Bachelor-Projekt...
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 Tue, 24. Mar 2020   Schuler, J. Peter M.

Veranstaltungen und Prüfungen des Lehrstuhls SOFTEC im SS

Aufgrund der aktuellen Regeln zum Infektionsschutz wurden die Prüfungen WS19NT vertagt. Die SOFTEC-Veranstaltungen im SS20 finden aber nach aktueller Planung statt, lediglich ohne Präsenz.
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 Tue, 18. Feb 2020   Rothkamm, Alexander

Gero Strobel presents SOFTEC Paper about Smart Farming at the 15th International Business Informatics Congress

Last week the conference "Wirtschaftsinformatik" (WI) took place in Potsdam under the motto "Changing Landscapes: Shaping Digital Transformation and its Impact". Our research staff member Gero Strobel was on site and presented the...
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 Wed, 12. Feb 2020   Lauke, Judith

Startschuss für „FlexChemistry“

Das Projektkonsortium „FlexChemistry“ bei der Auftaktveranstaltung. Foto YNCORIS GmbH & Co. KG
Das Klimaschutzprojekt soll dazu beitragen, die Energiewende bezahlbar zu machen. Die WissenschaftlerInnen werden untersuchen, inwiefern der Stromverbrauch eines Chemieparks an die aktuelle wetterbedingte Stromerzeugung angepasst...
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Currently showing 25 to 36 out of 50