Master Degree Courses
Teaching offerings for master degree courses
The teaching offerings of our chair for the master degree courses are based on the lectures „Paradigmen und Konzepte der Softwareentwicklung“ and „Website Engineering“. Moreover, students can apply for themes of master seminar papers, master projects and master theses.
Lecture "Paradigms and Concepts of Software Engineering" (Elective)
Paradigms and Concepts of Software Engineering

Within this lecture, our students get a review of the fundamental subject areas and concepts like object orientation, modelling, frameworks and distributed programming models. Furthermore, the focus of this lecture is based on traditional and modern architecture approaches like service-oriented architectures.
Another focus of this lecture is the introduction and usage of patterns. A pattern is an abstract representation of a problem, which can appear in similar forms and with similar solutions. The abstract representation is relevant for the applied usage of a pattern.
Moreover, the different methods of software engineering is an important part of this lecture. Our students will get an overview of traditional and modern approaches of software engineering. Some of the modern approaches are for example RUP, extreme programming and test-driven development.
In addition to that, there will be other subjects that will be discussed within this lecture like software product management, vision control, conventions and source code control as well as configuration management and documentation.
Lecture "Web Engineering" (Elective)
Concepts of Web Engineering and Applied Concepts of Web Engineering
Attention: CWE and ACWE will be available until summer semester 2024 only
The goal of the lecture “Concepts of Web Engineering” is to impart the existing concepts of web engineering to the students. This lecture is not about the adoption of specific techniques, but about the interaction of the different techniques. Moreover, it is also about learning how to choose an appropriated technique.
Besides the technological aspects, the lecture’s focus is also based on the temporal and social development of the internet as a medium and the economic consequences of these developments.
After the attendance of this lecture, students are qualified to analyse and classify new trends of web engineering. They will also be able to evaluate the appropriateness of these trends for the different types of internet applications.
The lecture "Applied Concepts of Web Engineering" aims at enabling the students to identify recent and relevant themes of the subject. Based on a theoretical foundation the students will argue about these themes and develop a solution. This solution can be developed with the help of the gained knowledge of the lecture.
The content of this lecture covers the field of web engineering, but the focus will be on current and conceptual themes. A technical implementation might be a part of the task that will be placed at the lecture, but the purpose of that is only the practice or confirmation of the earned results of the task.
The definition of the theme depends on the student’s influence. The task for the students will be based on their choice of themes. For the current semester, it might be possible that the students will receive a pre-formulated task.
Seminar Paper "Business Information Systems"
Seminar Paper

Our research group usually offers one or more comprehensive topics regarding the seminar component in bachelor degree courses. These topics represent a pool for particular topics that can be chosen by the students for seminar papers. Additionally, students have the possibility to suggest their own topic if it is related to software engineering. The overview of the current semester is for your information about who of our research group is supervising the process of your seminar paper. You can find more information if you click on the following link: "Seminar papers".
Master Project "Business Information Systems"
Master Project "Business Information Systems"

Our research group provides master projects regularly. It is also possible for the students to suggest their own ideas for a master project. Moreover, students have the possibility to combine their master project and their master thesis. You can find more information about our offering of master projects if you click on the following link: "Bachelor and master projects".