Theses in Process

Theses in progress

Here you will find all theses of the chair that are currently in progress.

  • The Impact of Remote Work on Cybercrime (Original Title: Die Auswirkungen von Homeoffice auf die Cyberkriminalität)
    Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems, Tutor: Jan Laufer, M. Sc.
  • Development of Design Principles for Explainable AI Diagnostic Systems in Healthcare from the Patient's Perspective (Original Title: Entwicklung von Design Prinzipien für Explainable AI-Diagnosesysteme im Gesundheitswesen aus Patientensicht)
    Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems, Tutor: Dr. Gero Strobel
  • Unveiling the Value Creation in Digital Platform Ecosystems: A Multi-Case Study of AI Service Platforms
    Master Thesis Business Information Systems, Tutor: Robert Woroch, M. Sc.
  • Generative AI meets HR: Die Rolle von Vertrauen und Akzeptanz beim Einsatz in Bewerbungsprozessen
    Master Thesis Business Information Systems, Tutor: Leonardo Banh, M. Sc.