Sat, 30. Mar 2024
Studienprojektthemen für das SS24 jetzt online
Die Projektthemen für das Sommersemester 2024 sind ab sofort auf unserer Seite verfügbar. Ihr könnt Euch über das Online-Bewerbungsformular bis zum 08.04.2024 (23:55 Uhr) bewerben. In diesem Semester bieten wir wieder spannende...
read onTue, 03. Oct 2023 Woroch, Robert
Studienprojektthemen für das WS23/24 jetzt online!
Bewirb dich jetzt und gestalte aktiv spannende Studienprojekte in den Bereichen Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik, von KI-Fitnessexperten über digitale Steuerberater bis hin zur Entwicklung autonomer Drohnen in Zusammenarbeit mit...
read onSun, 01. Oct 2023 Banh, Leonardo
EWI Moodle-Kurs jetzt zugänglich (WS23/24)
Die Informationen zur Bachelor-Veranstaltung Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik für das kommende Wintersemester 2023/2024 sind ab sofort verfügbar. Dort finden Sie neben den Informationen zum Modul auch die Zugangsdaten zum...
read onThu, 28. Jun 2018 Peter Schuler
New web design of the university – pilot project of the business information systems group
Planning and shaping the future - for us this also means using our own expertise to advance projects of the UDE. Due to their high information density, university websites are complex case studies. Especially due to the...
read onWed, 09. May 2018 Strobel, Gero
SOFTEC paper accepted for the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
We are proud to announce that the paper - CAN SELF-TRACKING SOLUTIONS HELP WITH UNDERSTANDING QUALITY OF SMART, CONNECTED PRODUCTS? by Barbara Schiller; Tobias Brogt; J. Peter M. Schuler and Gero Strobel are accepted at the 26th...
read onTue, 19. Dec 2017 Florian, Fabienne
New scientific employee at our chair: Gero Strobel
It is our pleasure to welcome our new employee Mr. Strobel as a part of our Research Group for Business Informatics and Software Engineering who joined us in December 2017. In 2013 Mr. Strobel successfully absolved his bachelor...
read onTue, 17. Oct 2017 Florian, Fabienne
SOFTEC study project: Conception of a software for staff deployment
The aim of the study project is the development of a holistic and realizable concept for a software solution that enables IT-based staff deployment. The concept needs to be based on a pre-defined description of requirements. You...
read onFri, 11. Aug 2017 Florian, Fabienne
Successful paper presentation at the 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
Tobias Brogt, Barbara Schiller, J. Peter M. Schuler and Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker had the pleasure to successfully present their paper „The Role of Quality in Sociotechnical Systems“ at the 23rd Americas Conference on Information...
read onFri, 23. Jun 2017 Florian, Fabienne
Granting of a doctorate – Michael Beul receives Ph.D.
On Monday, April 3, 2017, Michael Beul has successfully passed his doctoral examination on the subject of "Real-time information retrieval for software-intensive systems" ("Echtzeit-Informationsbeschaffung in softwareintensiven...
read onThu, 01. Jun 2017 Florian, Fabienne
Job offer at the chair of Prof. Eicker
We are looking for two new staff members for the campus in Essen for the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, more specifically for the subject of Business Informatics and Software Engineering: Scientific staff at...
read onTue, 04. Apr 2017 Florian, Fabienne
Teaching offerings of the SOFTEC chair (prof. Eicker) for the summer semester 2017; especially themes for bachelor and master projects
The Information about teaching offerings for the current semester are now available on our website. The teaching offerings of the current semester for students of bachelor degree courses are listed below: Seminar Paper Business...
read onTue, 21. Mar 2017 Florian, Fabienne
Excellent evaluations for the lecture and tutorial „Introduction to Business Information Systems” („Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik”)
The results of the evaluations for the lecture and the tutorial „Introduction to Business Information Systems” („Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik“) have been released. The process of the evaluation is about comparing the...
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