
 Wed, 09. May 2018   Strobel, Gero

SOFTEC paper accepted for the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)

We are proud to announce that the paper - CAN SELF-TRACKING SOLUTIONS HELP WITH UNDERSTANDING QUALITY OF SMART, CONNECTED PRODUCTS? by Barbara Schiller; Tobias Brogt; J. Peter M. Schuler and Gero Strobel are accepted at the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).  The publication identifies the key components of smart connected products (SCP) and maps them to self-tracking solutions (STS)in order to show that STSs are appropriate examples for further research in the context of SCP.  The yearly since 1993 held European Conference on Information Systems is one of the most important and prestigious conferences in business information research. This year will the ECIS take place in Portsmouth, UK from 23. to 28. June.