
 Tue, 21. Mar 2017   Florian, Fabienne

Excellent evaluations for the lecture and tutorial „Introduction to Business Information Systems” („Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik”)

The results of the evaluations for the lecture and the tutorial „Introduction to Business Information Systems” („Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik“) have been released. The process of the evaluation is about comparing the results of every individual evaluation of lectures and tutorials with the average of the evaluation results of the whole faculty. The course evaluation for „Introduction to Business Information Systems” got a better rating than the average grade of the faculty, even though it is a huge event.  The lecture and the tutorial of the event „Introduction to Business Information Systems” were rated by the students on a scale from 1 to 5. The average grade for the lecture turned out to be a 1,53, whereas the tutorial’s average grade resulted in 1,61. Prof. Stefan Eicker, Barabara Schiller and J. Peter M. Schuler appreciate the student’s attendance during the semester and wish you a successful start for the following summer semester.