
 Thu, 14. Nov 2019   Katsanou, Marina

Gero Strobel receives NRW certificate for professional teaching competence for university teaching

Within the framework of this year's "Day of Teaching", Gero Strobel was awarded the NRW certificate "Professional Teaching Competence for University Teaching" by the Prorector for Research and Teaching, Prof. Dr. van Ackeren after successful completion of over 200 work units. Through this program, teachers have the opportunity to professionalize themselves in higher education didactics.

The programme focuses on the following topics:

  • The design of the subject teaching is conducive to learning,
  • competence-oriented and transparent testing,
  • Constructively advise students in the teaching/learning process,
  • Evaluate courses and study programmes and
  • to initiate innovative developments in teaching and study in a subject-related and interdisciplinary manner.

Further information on the program can be found on the ZfH website under Certificate Program.