
 Mon, 27. May 2019   Brogt, Tobias

Presentation at the 11th Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität on the Topic of Information System-Based Support of Intermodal Mobility

Maurizio Jonasson, Masterand at the SOFTEC chair, presented the interim results of his master thesis at the 11th Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität 2019 on 23.05.2019 in Duisburg.

His presentation dealt with the development of a concept for the information system-based support of intermodal mobility approaches. Mr. Jonasson motivated the use of intermodal mobility in order to point out the requirements and goals of an information model. An interim result of his work shows that many factors of an intermodal journey (e.g. change and waiting times) can be positively influenced by information. However, there is a visible need for integration between providers of mobility solutions.

Mr. Jonasson uses the discussion and feedback he received at the event to further improve his result artefact in terms of design oriented research.

The paper will be published in the conference proceedings "Mobilität in Zeiten der Veränderung".