
 Tue, 16. Apr 2019   Katsanou, Marina

SOFTEC paper adopted for the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)

We are proud to announce that the scientific contribution "UNDERSTANDING SERVICES IN THE ERA OF THE INTERNET OF THINGS: A SMART SERVICE TAXONOMY" by Gero Strobel, Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker and Ute Paukstadt from the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS) of the University of Münster has been accepted for the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).

The authors developed a taxonomy for intelligent services, so-called Smart Services, and empirically validated it on the basis of 50 application scenarios.

The European Conference on Information Systems, held annually since 1993, is one of the most important and prestigious conferences in the field of business informatics. This year the ECIS will take place in Stockholm, Sweden from June 8th - 14th.