
 Fri, 21. Oct 2016   Florian, Fabienne

We are looking for two new scientific staff members at the SOFTEC chair of Prof. Eicker

The research group for Business Informatics and Software Engineering is currently looking for two new scientific staff members. As a part of our dedicated team, you will support our research (including digital transformation, software architectures and development processes, domain-specific business processes and information systems) actively. Besides research and project activities, you will contribute to the preparation and execution of teaching. Moreover, you will take over administrative tasks, especially regarding the research and teaching activities of the team. This job includes the opportunity for further academic qualifications in the field (e.g. a PhD). In the context of your concrete tasks further education is desired and supported as well (e.g. university didactical further education, research methods, project management, and more). Please notice that you can find more information if you have a look at the attached employment ad.