Innovation Award 2014
ZfH Innovation Award

The Centre for Higher Education Development and Quality Enhancement (CHEDQE) of the university of Duisburg-Essen has conferred the Innovation Award since 2009. The goal of the handover of the innovation award is to appreciate the effort for excellent teaching practices.
For more information about the innovation award and former awardees you can click on the following link:
Awardees 2014
The Innovation Award 2014 is devoted to Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker, Barbara Schiller and J. Peter M. Schuler for the development and implementation of the lecture „Introduction to Business Information Systems” („Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik„) of the winter semester 13/14. On this website, you can read more about the most important parts of their concept.
If you have any questions or suggestions for this lecture, you can get in contact with us with the following email address: service.softec (at)
A new conception for the lecture „Introduction to Business Information Systems”

The most basic studies of the different degree courses consist of huge lectures of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. About 800 students attend these kind of lectures in a semester. Many concepts of didactic innovations in the teaching practice are based on smaller student groups. In spite of this challenge, the Research Group for Business Informatics and Software Engineering was able to obtain the Innovation Award 2014.
Award Presentation
On the 3rd of June in 2014, it was the pleasure of Prof. Dr. Franz Bosbach to hand over the Innovation Award 2014 to Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker, Barbara Schiller and J. Peter M. Schuler. It was the day of teaching and the second diversity day "Offene Hochschule - vielfältige Lehrpraxis an der UDE". In the context of diversity day, every faculty also had a diversity award to hand over to different research groups.
As a part of the award presentation Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker, Barbara Schiller and J. Peter M. Schuler conducted a short presentation of their new concept.
You can find more impressions of the award presentation if you click on this link.
Poster presentation of the new concept of the lecture „Introduction to Business Information Systems”

The awardees created a poster to present their results of their new concept. If you click on the picture on the left, you can have a look at this poster presentation, which is more detailed as the short presentation of the award presentation. In the future, it will be possible for our research group to work on individual elements of the new concept. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions for the improvement of our concept.